Sasaki and Qin does what ever it takes to save humanity, even if it means taking on the Olympian brothers Language: English Words: 6,063 Chapters: 6/? Kudos: 80 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 3570 Raiden Tameemon/Shiva (Record of Ragnarok).Hades/Qin Shi Huang (Record of Ragnarok).
Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply.Globofchaos Fandoms: Record of Ragnarok (Manga), Record of Ragnarok (Anime) SasakixPoseidon fic Language: English Words: 4,862 Chapters: 2/? Comments: 4 Kudos: 18 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 254 High school AU, let's watch Sasaki's and Poseidon's relationship hopefully blossom into something more as they navigate the typical high school scene. It was hints like these that Poseidon kept giving the man in hopes of him realising his true intentions, however it seemed once again he missed the mark as Kojiro was focused on the ball. “I can tell” he said huskily, righting his head with the smallest of smirks on his face. He let his eyes wander down the man's body, purposely tilting his head slightly and licking his teeth to make it obvious that he was checking out Kojiro's body, admiring how he looked in the schools gym clothes which consisted of a tight t-shirt (tight for him anyways because of his muscles) and short gym shorts (which he insisted Kojro wear, the man doing so with a smile and without question), before meeting his eyes once with lowered eyelids. Poseidon took a deep breath to calm himself, wondering how a man could be that cute and sexy at the same time. “Uuum, well I, guess everyday” Kojiro answered with a grin, still glancing at the ball that was nowhere near them yet. “So, how many times a week do you work out?” Sasaki Kojirou/Poseidon (Record of Ragnarok).Heracles/Jack the Ripper (Record of Ragnarok).Poseidon/Sasaki Kojirou (Record of Ragnarok).Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.GuiltyM Fandoms: Record of Ragnarok (Manga), Record of Ragnarok (Anime)